Post 10: About DNS

January 8, 2019 at | In Network Forensics | No Comments

DNS, also known as Domain Name Server, is a server that has public IP addresses database and the hostname. It also can translate to IP address from domain names. DNS servers use special protocol to communicate with each other and run special software.

Why we need DNS software? It’s because we can understand domain name in an easier way, rather that IP addresses that consists of numbers to access the internet.

DNS System

DNS System consists of domain name servers that provide the name to IP address mapping for servers/devices on the internet. Internet Service Providers (ISP) and companies mainly have their own DNS servers that are linked to the root servers to provide a distributed system.

Problems in DNS

One of the most common problems in DNS is that DNS might be the main problem is when we cannot connect to the internet because of having problems trying to connect to the resources.



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