The FastCabs Case Study (Database Systems Final Project)
June 14, 2017 at the_time(); ?> | In Projects | No CommentsTags: projects
Course: Database Systems
Members: Angeline Indahsi (2001585335) & Ignatia Stellarista (2001586180)
On this project, we are part of the consultancy company that specialize in making database applications. The director of FastCabs, a taxi company, has approach us to design and implement a database management system for FastCabs. The database should be shown on a user-friendly interface so that the user can access the all the data easier.
Making the Query:
The application should have the typical queries specified by the company, besides showing all the data needed. The queries were first made using the terminal application, to see if the data shown using the query is already correct or not, and fulfill what has been specified. During the process, there are some difficulties when making the queries, but at the end, all the queries fulfilled what has been specified. When all the queries are correct, it will be put on the code of the interface.
Here are the specified queries:
The result of the queries:
Making the User Interface:
For the User Interface, NetBeans is used as the program to create the display for the data, with Java as the programming language. There are two parts in the User Interface. The top part shows all of the data from the FastCabs company. All the tables are separated by using tabs, so the UI will not be too crowded. The bottom part of the UI shows the queries, also separated using tabs. On each queries, the specifications are stated so that the user can understand what specification is shown on the table. During the process of making the interface, there are no difficulties met.
The result:
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