Colorful Journey-Multimedia & Human Computer Interaction Final Project (COMP6341)
November 24, 2017 at the_time(); ?> | In Projects | 1 CommentTags: projects
Course Name:
Multimedia & Human Computer Interaction (COMP6341)
Group Members:
- Angeline Indahsi (2001585335)
- Sefira Karina (2001586155)
Project Description:
Colorful Journey is a game aimed for kindergarten children ages 4 to 6 years old where they can learn to follow instructions and learn more about colors, with various mini games related to colors. The game also integrates a story so that the users will not get bored while they are playing and learning at the same time. The game starts with the start screen. When the player click the start button, control instructions will be shown first, with is by using the control keys and the mouse. Then, it starts with the player in their room, and the player have to click letter, where there are several instructions to get to their grandmother’s house. If the player is still confused, the player can click the dog and the dog can tell the player what to do. When the player goes outside and follow the instruction based on the letter, the player then has to complete various mini games related to color, and get out of the maze to reach the grandmother’s place. After the player reach the grandmother’s house, the game will congratulate the player and the game ends by exiting the game.
In this project, I mostly focus on making the design of the game, including making the game logo, and fixing some of the mini game events. Using the Autodesk SketchBook application, I draw the objects and sprites for the mini game and the surroundings, such as the player’s room.
Applications Used:
- Construct 2: For creating the whole game, especially the game events.
- Autodesk SketchBook: To create some of the pictures in the game & the logo design.
Game Screenshots:
The game’s title screen
The player’s room, where the game starts
One of the mini game the player needs to play to cross the river. The player needs to choose the correct color from the combination of colors.
Another one of the mini games, where the player has to put the flowers to the pot with the correct colors
One of the mini games that are related to color, which requires the player to place the fruits to the basket based on the colors
The maze that the player needs to pass, which is the requirement to reach the grandmother’s house.
After the player reaches the grandmother’s house, which ends the game.
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This type of condition is extremely favorable to the gamer along with the possibility of winning is truly substantial.
Comment by Joesph — November 21, 2018 #