Post 4: TCP/IP
January 8, 2019 at the_time(); ?> | In Network Forensics | No CommentsTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, also known as TCP/IP, is network suite the uses protocols to connect network-related devices to the internet. TCP/IP provides end-to-end communications to specify how the data is exchanged over the internet and specify how to break data into packets when sending it into another network. The function of TCP is to define how applications can create communication channels across the network and manage the way a message is assembled to smaller packets before being send over the internet and assembled back to the way it was before after arriving at the destination. TCP/IP works using a client/server type of communication, where the client is being provided with a service by another server in the same network.
TCP/IP Layer
TCP/IP layer has 4 layers, compared to the OSI layers that has 7 layers.
The TCP/IP layers are divided into 4 layer types, which consists of lower-level layer, transport layer, and higher-level layer. I am also going to explain each of the layers from OSI briefly.
Network Interface Layer
- Defines how data is sent physically through the network, especially on how bits are signaled by hardware devices that connects with a physical network medium such as fiber optic cable and copper wire.
Internet Layer
- Compile data into IP datagrams, which consists of source and destination address .
- Routing IP datagrams
- Main protocols: IP (internet protocol), ICMP (internet control message protocol), ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
Transport Layer
- Let devices at the source and destination communicate/use protocols.
- Main protocols: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Application Layer
- Defines TCP/IP
- Main protocols: DNS (Domain Naming System), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
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