Post 5: Web Proxies
January 8, 2019 at the_time(); ?> | In Network Forensics | No CommentsWeb proxy is one of the ways to hide IP address from visited websites. When using web proxy, the website will not be able to see where you came from because the web proxy will make the website think that you are accessing the website from a different location from where you currently are. There are three methods of web proxies, which are forward proxy, reverse proxy, and tunneling proxy.
Forward Proxy
- Provides proxy services for a single client and group of clients. For multiple clients, mostly they used the same network.
- To connect to the network, the client’s request has to pass the proxy first before it can connect to the internet.
Reverse Proxy
- Accepts the request from clients on behalf of the servers.
- Can inspect the content first before connecting to the internet
Tunneling Proxy
- Lets users that connects to either public or private network with proxy to transmit data by encapsulating the data.
- Example: VPN (Virtual Private Network
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