COMP6341 – Final Project Proposal
October 31, 2017 at the_time(); ?> | In Projects, proposal | No CommentsTags: project proposal, projects
Group: Angeline Indahsi (2001585335) & Sefira Karina (2001586155)
Course: COMP6431-Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction
Made using: Construct 2
About this game: This game is targeted for kindergarten children, that can teach children to learn how to follow instructions and learn more about colors. The user will play as a player who have to go to his/her grandmother’s house after the player receives a letter, with instructions on how to go to their grandmother’s house. The user will have to follow the instructions so that he/she can reach his/her grandmother’s house. During the journey, the player has to complete some mini games that are related to colors and pass a maze. For other characters, there will be a speech bubble to show what they are talking about and a button option will be available for the young children who cannot read fluently.
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